The Adaptation

I’ve always been an Ed Wood, Jr. fan, and when I found out that his movie, “Plan 9 From Outer Space” was in the public domain, and no novel version had ever been written, I decided to take on the challenge myself!  Soon after, “Plan 9 From Outer Space - The Adaptation” was born!

What makes this adaptation stand out from others is this:  Instead of writing it based on Ed Wood’s screenplay, I based it on the movie.  Since the film had...  ahem...  production challenges, I had to explain them in print.  For example, when continuity became an issue for characters jumping into their cars in the daylight, but arriving across town in the dead of night, I had to come up with a storyline to fill that void.  I tried to get all of them!

In the end, I feel the story has more dimension that it did prior to my adding these details.  But most importantly, I think it was respectful and faithful to Ed Wood’s vision.

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